Friends of North Andros

Supporting North Andros through service and relationships

Community Outreach

Friends of North Andros is committed to enhancing the lives of those who call North Andros Home. We are excited to work with you and can't wait to learn how we can provide assistance in a multitude of ways. Here are some of our activities:

Impact Projects

The Impact Team for Friends of North Andros is looking for opportunities to support organizations and individuals through work projects. You provide the materials, and FoNA provides the labor. That’s up to 30 extra hands and feet helping with your project. If you would like to nominate someone for labor assistance with an impact project, please click here to contact us. We can’t wait to learn how we can help!

Vacation Bible School

FoNA knows that religion is an important part of the North Andros community in both schools and in social environments. During every mission to the island, FoNA visits each of the five settlements to provide VBS programming for the youngest community members.

Career & Life Skills Seminar

During each visit, Friends of North Andros sponsors a one-day Career & Life Skills Seminar. We’ll cover topics such as:

book publishing, public speaking, careers in information technology, commercial electrician, artistic expression, balloonery, college website exploration & summer student exchange program, counseling & ministry, eco-crocheting, guitar & ukulele instruction, registered pharmacy, and careers in the culinary industry.

If you are a planning on joining us in one of our future impact trips, click here (fill link) to see resources to plan for the endeavor!